Student side-hustles can help with university fees

University is an increasingly expensive experience for young people in today’s world. The fees alone can stretch past £30 000 without factoring in aspects like food, rent and any number of other expenses. This leaves many students struggling under a crushing amount of student debt once they graduate that can take many years for them… Continue reading Student side-hustles can help with university fees

The Gig Economy and Mental Health

Gig work has the perception of leading to poor mental health. From lacking consistent wage security to poor worker rights to overwhelming competition for jobs, workers in the gig economy face a number of difficulties in their day-to-day life. However, according to research from the Paris School of Economics in collaboration with the University of… Continue reading The Gig Economy and Mental Health

The Gig Economy Generation

The explosion of the gig economy is only set to continue. Essentially, the gig economy and gig workers refer to jobs that are defined as independent contracting or part-time jobs, for example, Uber drivers, freelance designers or couriers.  This way of working is attractive to both young and old generations alike. Millennials cite they like… Continue reading The Gig Economy Generation